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Doug Mohawk

Bike Rentals in St Pete Just Makes Sense!

bike rentals in waterfront
Biking down Beach Drive

It’s no secret that St. Petersburg is an awesome place to ride bikes. Whether one is exploring the Pinellas Bike trail or cruising along the downtown waterfront, bicycling is the way to go. But there’s many benefits to having a bike rental in St Pete beyond the aesthetics. From parking advantages to group outings, renting bicycles simply makes sense. That’s especially true on the weekends when events and visitors around downtown are in abundance. Here are some great reasons why reserving your own bike rentals in St Pete ahead of time is a smart move.

bike rentals for murals
Exploring St Pete Murals

· Convenience – In many cities, it’s simply easier to maneuver by bicycle compared to a car. That’s especially true in St Pete when city streets become crowded and parking limited. Plus, did you know it’s perfectly legal to ride sidewalks in St Pete by bicycle? It is! Therefore, if you feel uncomfortable riding streets, you can hop onto the sidewalk and continue to your destination. And of course, parking is a breeze with hundreds of bicycle racks around the downtown area. That’s why many customers at St Pete Bike Rentals take advantage of our free parking when renting bicycles. Being only 1.5 miles from the pier on the Pinellas Bike Trail, they simply rent bikes and they’re on their way!

· Cost-Effective – For tourists visiting St Pete, there are many different options when it comes to transportation. Of course, car travel and ride-sharing are possible considerations. There’s the SunRunner Express Transit Bus, which remains free until the fall currently. The city provides ample scooters for rent. And there’s e-bike rental options offered by both the city and local businesses. But out of all these options, traditional bike rentals in St Pete offers the best value. Compared to e-scooters and e-bikes, bike rentals cost a fraction of the price! Plus, you can park and lock your bicycle in many more locations, tailoring your experience the way you want.

· Greater Variety – One of the best things about traditional bike rentals in St Pete is the different style options available. At St Pete Bike Rentals, we have city bikes, hybrids, and touring bikes. In addition, we have a number of different sizes of kids bicycles including child carriers and tag-a-longs. We even offer an adult tricycle as part of our bike rental fleet. Because there are different skill levels and abilities when it comes to bike riding, different bicycle styles allows people to find just the right type. And as a result, the opportunity for everyone to participate in cycling is more likely.

· Healthy For You and the Environment – Naturally, bike rentals in St Pete encourages physical activity and exercise. And compared to cars and other forms of transportation, it is the most environmentally friendly option. One doesn’t have to be an avid athlete either to ride a bicycle in Florida. With a fairly flat terrain and numerous bike trails around Pinellas County, one can choose the type of activity they prefer.

Renting a Bike in St Pete

When it comes to bike rentals in St Pete, it’s pretty easy for locals and tourists alike to make a bicycle reservation. At St Pete Bike Rentals, we offer $20 bike rentals for 4 hours of use, and $25 for full day use between 9am and 5pm. We also have 24-hour rates, multi-day rates, and weekly rates, which include delivery and pickup in the downtown area. Helmets, locks, and lights are included. And since we are located right on the Pinellas Bike Trail downtown, it’s super easy to explore right from our shop. Convenience, cost-effectiveness, variety, and an opportunity to exercise…all great reasons why bike rentals in St Pete make sense!

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